Thursday, July 18, 2013

Trayvon and Marijuana

Trayvon and Marijuana


Like many people, I have frittered away too many hours this past month on the George Zimmerman trial.  Two things about that trial left bad tastes in my mouth – one big and one small.  The big one was the poor job that the prosecutors did, but the small one is what I want to talk about: marijuana.

The medical examiner testified about the manner and cause of death of Trayvon Martin, but one line of his technical report was singled out for attention: marijuana was detected in Trayvon’s blood.  No evidence was introduced about how much “marijuana” (THC?) was found, nor whether it was ingested an hour before death or a month before, nor whether it was enough to have any effect on his behavior or attitude nor what that effect would be.  All that was introduced was … marijuana was found.

The marijuana report was not discussed, the word itself was enough to become a part of the portrait of Trayvon Martin silently, but thoroughly, drawn by the defense.

Trayvon was
            a young Black male
                        with a gold tooth cap
                                    wearing a hoodie
(insert here a grainy, high-angled surveillance photo of a man in a hoodie confronting a convenience store clerk – just like the hold-up scene shown on the if-it-bleeds section of every local newscast)
                                                who smokes pot.

Trayvon, then, is a Black, blinged-out, hoodie-wearing gangbanger.  Be very afraid!

Trayvon uses marijuana, but he is not
-- Barak Obama, who went to Harvard Law and the White House, or
-- Professor X, consultant to NASA, who explained the Cosmos to everyone, or
-- Satchmo Armstrong, extraordinary musician and good-will ambassador, or
-- Willie Nelson, still singing, touring, and sponsoring benefits at seventy-five.

No, Trayvon is none of these; he is a dope-smoking Gangsta out to kill us all.

Be very afraid!

Trayvon’s story shows that we have a lot of P.R. work we need to do.  Let’s get busy.

1 comment:

  1. Though this has nothing to do with the image of MJ users, I have to say that I wish the prosecution had attempted to convict GZ of voluntary manslaughter. Maybe the jury would have acquitted anyway, but VM would not have depended on GZ's state of mind, as Murder Two did.
